

Recipe: Kritharoto

Difficulty level: Low  

Cooking time: 20 min  



400 gr. Famelima Kritharaki
500 gr. vegetable stock
1 large onion, finely chopped
1.5 cloves of garlic, melted
1.5 wine glass white wine
1.5 large tomatoes, grated
pieces of feta about 200 g.
3 pinches thyme or oregano
1 pinch of Kozani yolk
3 tablespoons of Famelima extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of butter
Salt Pepper

Cooking process:  

Fry the Kritharaki with the oil in a deep pan with a heavy bottom. Also, we can pour the Kritharaki in two doses, to have two colors. As soon as it gets colored, add the onion and garlic. Stir constantly. Deglaze with the wine, in which we have previously soaked the yolk.
Add the tomato, always stirring, salt and sprinkle with thyme. Add the hot vegetable broth slowly, and continue to mix. When the Kritharaki is ready, after about 20 minutes, stir in the butter to make it glossy and finish with the feta.


Serve the Kritharoto hot with freshly ground pepper

Chef: Aunt Noula

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